lenoak Collies Glenoak Collies


Glenoak Perfomance Collies
 "Die Grundaussage ist, dass trotz all seiner Schőnheit, der Collie ein Arbeitstier ist." (FCI-Standard N° 156) Unser Ziel: Schönheit und Leistung vereint - wir wollen das Gesamtpaket Collie, ein Allround-Talent.  "The basic message is that for all his beauty, the Collie is a worker" (FCI-Standard N° 156) Our aim: Beauty and performance all together in our dogs - we want the whole Collie, an allround-talent.




 Champion Parade





Copyright © 2014 Malikah Kraus :: Glenoak Collies. All Rights Reserved. No graphics or photos may used without written permission.

Graphics by  sigurd-illus.de :: Site Maintained by Malikah Kraus